arg1 是初始heading,arg2是要旋转的角度建议范围取值-180----+180 ,正负号决定方向。
gcc -o main main.c
main.c #include <time.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <math.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <termios.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <pthread.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/wait.h> int main(int* arc,int*arg[]) { // Make sure there's only one rotate thread running at a time. // TODO: proper thread synchronization would be better here if(arc < 2){ printf("usage:app startdegree rotatedegree \n"); exit(1); } int startHeading = atoi(arg[1]); int degrees = atoi(arg[2]); int targetHeading = startHeading + degrees; if (targetHeading < 0){ targetHeading += 360; if(targetHeading<180) degrees += 360; } if (targetHeading > 359){ targetHeading -=360; } char flg =0; int heading = startHeading; if (degrees < 0) { flg =1; } else if (degrees > 0) { flg =0; } char done = 0; // double turn = 0.0; do { if(flg){ heading --; if(heading <= 0) heading =360; } else { heading ++; if(heading >= 360) heading = 0; } // Backup method - use the magnetometer to see what direction we're facing. Stop turning when we reach the target heading. int currentHeading = (int)heading;//headingFilter.GetValue(); printf("Rotating: currentHeading = %d targetHeading = %d\n", currentHeading, targetHeading); if ((currentHeading >= targetHeading) && (degrees > 0) && (startHeading < targetHeading)) { done = 1; } if ((currentHeading <= targetHeading) && (degrees < 0) && (startHeading > targetHeading)) { done = 1; } if (currentHeading < startHeading && degrees > 0) startHeading = currentHeading; if (currentHeading > startHeading && degrees < 0) startHeading = currentHeading; //#endif usleep(100000); } while (!done); return 0; }
起初纠结 一个问题,如果车辆0度时,要想往左旋转330度,也就是往左旋转30度,是否可以选择最优的转动方向,考虑到实际环境中,如果车辆左侧恰好有障碍物阻碍转弯,这个时候继续往左转显然不明智。所以就没必要纠结了。